1. Advanced
  2. Data storage


Data storage

In the settings, under "Other", you have the option to change the folder location for "Data" and "Show". The default is set to the computers documents folder. The "Show" is for all the ".show" files, normally inside the data location folder. And the "Data" path includes these folders:

  • Backups (All of the data when pressing "Backup everything")
  • Bibles (The imported bibles in .fsb format)
  • Exports (Any exported project or show, in various formats)
  • Imports (The images when importing a PDF)
  • Lessons ( Lessons.church media content)
  • Recordings (Screen recordings taken from the "Screens" tab)

When enabling the "Save user settings at 'Data location'" option, all of the user projects, settings, templates, etc. are also stored in the data location folder inside a "Config" folder. (Turning this on is only recommended if you want to move the same settings across different computers, keep it off if you use just one computer.)

Cloud storage

It is recommended to set up a custom solution like OneDrive for syncing media. But you can use the built in "Cloud" option for syncing data like shows and projects across different computers. Please check out the Drive page for a setup tutorial.