Create a template to quickly change the style of any show.
Template works very similar to overlays. Clicking on a template when a show is opened will override the style in the show with the style from the template. The show will remember the template, so it will always update if you edit the template. When you edit the show items (not the text) it will no longer update from the template.
You can also drag a template to a specific slide to apply the style to just that slide.
For advanced users: If you need to change the between templates, and need the item layer position to change, but want the text content to move textbox position. One way to do that is to add the same text content to any textbox in your first and second template and the text content will move from the first box over to the other box with the same content!
Templates are rolling around the items when clicked
The reason it toggles between items is that FreeShow does not know which textbox in the new template you want the text on, so with this feature you can actually click more to easily get it the way you want! But if you leave the same template on a show, and change the styling there is no need to click the template, becuase the change will automatically be applied to the show with the same order on the textboxes!