1. Remote
  2. RemoteShow



Remote is used to controll the show from another device connected to the same router.

If you are ready to connect, see this.

Also the remote has a randomly set password for security reasons. You can find it in the settings, under the "Connection" tab. You can change this or set it to nothing to disable the password.

The different tabs


This show all of the projects (not in the folders) in FreeShow.


See the active project and click on a show to open it. (Currently does not work for media.)


See a list of all the existing shows in the program. Here you can also search for a specific show.


When you open a show you can see all the slides here, click on one of them to play it.


When a slide is outputted this tab will be enabled, here you can see the playing slide and the next one. Click on the right side of the screen to go to next, and click on the left (1/3) to go to the previous slide.


Same as the "Slide" tab but here you can see all the text of the whole show in a easy to read version.