1. Drawer
  2. Media



Play a video, or add a image or video as a slide background.

Add folders from the computer in the "Media" drawer tab and view all media files in that folder. Click on them to play them in the output. If you right click you can click "Edit" to add filters, change the playback speed, and more. All media files, including audio can be dragged into the project for easy access.


Right click any media and click "Favourite" to add them to your favouries for easy access.

Online media

Included on the left side is a tab called "Online". Here you will find more tabs at the bottom with currently the options YouTube, Vimeo and Pixabay.

In YouTube and Vimeo you have to add you own videos by clicking "Add" at the bottom and pasting a link to a video. Note that some YouTube videos wont work, because the creator has disabled embeds to their video.

In Pixabay you can search for any images or videos by using the drawer search. Please note that you need internet access to use these elements.

Want to get videos from another platform? Send an email to dev@freeshow.app. 😃

Screens and Cameras

Click on the "Screens", or the "Cameras" tab to to show previews. Click on any to play in the output, or drag to any slide. This can be useful if you want to e.g. show a website.

Screen recording

FreeShow has a built-in screen recorder. To use it, right click on any of the screens or windows, and click "Start recording". On the right side in the "Screens" drawer tab, you get a preview and a button to stop the recording.

Add as backgrounds

If you drag a media element from the drawer or from the computer into a show, it will be added as a background to the slide you dropped it on or create a new slide. The media element (image/video) will then be played when that slide is clicked.

Control videos playing in output

When a video is playing you can control it on the right side right under the clear buttons, if you can't find it please click on the small almost invisible button right under the media clear button to open it. Here you can also control some other things, like mute/unmute.

Play audio from backgrounds

All video backgrounds are muted by default but you can click on the "unmute" icon on the slide to allow it to play sound when the slide is clicked. This can also be toggled from the "Media" show tab on the right. Here you can also toggle the background loop.

Go to next slide when video is finished

Right click the slide, choose "Slide actions", then click on "Next on media finished" to automatically play the next slide when the video has ended. This triggers even when the video is set to "loop".

Video time markers

If you open a video from the project, or right click in the drawer and click "Open preview". You will get a full preview in the center of the screen, press "Show media preview controls" to show some inputs. On the right you will see a clock icon, click it to reveal a bar where you can add time markers to the video at the current preview position.


  • How to add media

First open the "Media" tab in the drawer, then at the bottom left click "New folder" and choose the folder with your media. You can also drag & drop folders directly from the computer to the folder area. After that you can drag & drop media files from the drawer into a project, to a show, or as a slide item. You can also drag & drop media files directly from the computer file system. (Note: By dragging just one background to a show it will be added as a background!)