1. Show
  2. Shows



A show is your slideshow. It can be song lyrics, events, presentations, images, bible verses, and much more.

Creating a show

First you have to go to "Shows" in the drawer. Here you will find a large "Add show" button, in the bottom center. Clicking it will display a popup. Here you can type a name, and tweak some settings. Also there is a textarea for quick lyrics, which is recommended if you want create song lyrics. The program will try to apply groups automaticly. Finally press "Create show".

Finding your shows

All your shows can be found in the "Shows" tab in the drawer. Here you can organize them into different categories, the category changes the icon a show has in the project list. In the top right corner of the drawer you will find a search bar to search through all of your shows. When a show is opened or changed, the text content will be cached, so you can search by the content as well as the title.


When opening a show, you will by default get a "WYSIWYG" view, meaning the style of each slide will match the style of the output. You can click any slide to show it, and use the arrow right/left keys to change slides, or press spacebar. In the bottom of the show view you have some buttons to change the layout of the current view.


Pressing spacebar at the end of a show will go to the next show in the current project.

Pressing the arrow keys will always change the slides of the current outputted show, even when another show is active. But pressing spacebar will always play active show.


Adding backgrounds are as easy as dragging them over any of the slides. Say you add a background to the first slide, then that background will be applied to all the concurrent slides as "ghost" backgrounds, meaning they behave the same as the first slide when clicked, but you can only interact with the element on one slide. If you don't want any background to play on a specific slide, you can right click on the slide, choose "Slide actions", "Start action", and click "Clear background".


If the background can't be found, e.g. the file is moved, or different computer, the program will auto search and find any media with matching file name, as long as it's inside a folder added to "Media" in the drawer.

Importing a show

If you have any existing lyrics from other programs, you can import them from the application menu.